Fixed: Newsletter - July 1, 2024

Rough patch for the family - I won't go into details, but... yeah. (Rough enough that it looks like I messed up the email... trying again)

On the positive side, my oldest daughter started her first job! She's pushing salads at Mad Greens, earning the big bucks, while still asking me to pay for gas. (clever girl). She's also trying to write her college entrance essay(s) and study for the SAT. Busy summer for her. Meanwhile, my 13-yr old is complaining when I wake her at noon. Livin' her best life!

I usually scroll through the photos on my phone, and mostly what I found this week were pictures of mushrooms and flowers (we've had lots of rain) and a photobombing squirrel. But I thought I'd share this one with my oldest daughter getting her first paycheck (and showing it to my youngest).

Book 2 of Thaumatropic Roots is under the care (read that as "getting torn up") by a structural editor. Meanwhile, I took a crack at restarting Book 3. I have some of the middle of Book 3 done, but the changes I made to Book 2 require Book 3 to start differently. Anyway, I haven't done much in terms of word count, but I did get past a point where I was stuck, so that's good. It's amazing how a couple hundred words can log-jam thousands of them.

I have an exciting new possibility for a story on the horizon. A game developer reached out to me and asked if I would write a story in their universe. Thanks to the help of a friend (who reads this, but I don't know if she wants to be called out by name), I now have an LLC (DragonLore LLC). I've signed an NDA, and we're getting into details. I'll share what I can when I can, but that's probably not going to be much. If we move forward, there will be a point when they'll want me to start chatting about it. I'll do what I can to make sure you hear first.

Indie Author Showcase

Last newsletter, I threw in a lot of book sales/marketing data. I had more unsubscribes than usual. I don't do that often, and I have a few readers who I think enjoy the data immensely. But I'd love to get some feedback on what you'd like to see more of. Or less of. Let me know!

Previous Newsletters

​​May you get lost this week in another world.

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Steven J Morris

Hi! If you enjoy fantasy with snarky humor, I've got some books for you. My newsletter takes you along the creative journey, and keeps you informed of what's brewing.

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