Happy Easter!For my Christian brothers & sisters: I don't usually mention religion in my newsletter... I'm no C.S. Lewis. My characters cuss. Even the good ones. My latest story involves a dying goddess, and some pretty nasty fantasy creatures. I don't think I'm someone that people look at and wonder, "Whatever he's got going, I want to know more about it." Not exactly a light on a hill. But underneath all that, I love the idea that the Creator of the Universe sacrificed to draw us close. And we slip right into April FoolsI’ve got a couple of friends at work that rebuild classic cars for fun. They’re into cars. So when one needed to “get even” with the other for accidentally poisoning his dog (dog is okay), he did what anyone would do. He zip-tied an harmonica to his friend’s exhaust pipe, then proceeded to suggest things to take apart on his car to find the “strange noise”. Last I heard, after telling the friend to let him know if things got any worse, he zip-tied a second harmonica. I will take extra caution not to poison said person’s dog. To celebrate April Fools’ Day (🤷♂️), I’ve got Guardian of The Palace on a freebie deal at Amazon. As always, I’d love folks to shout out to their friends and followers to grab the book. I had a pretty good couple of weeks of writing. I finally worked out the middle of Book 2 (I liked the beginning and the end, but the middle just didn't connect... now it does.) The words are flowing, but my time is limited, so I can't catch them and pin them down (pen them down... ha!) as quickly as I'd like. I'm at 49k words, and I can see this becoming a full fledged 80-90k book with the parts I haven't written yet. So... yay! Spoiler section from the next book: Until recently, I hadn’t believed it possible to imbue general spells into anything other than paper. One cast, invoked by fire, and the scroll was gone. Communication crystals were a well kept secret, but I’d known of them through Zoras. He’d never explained how they’d worked, but I’d known they existed. Why had I believed paper to be so special? Okay, to be fair, both the ink and the quality of the parchment influenced a spell’s efficacy. But why had I thought that pairing to be unique?
Several things had opened my mind to the possibility that spells could reside in more than paper. One, the High Elves had deployed something to defend the Mother of Trees. It wasn’t a scroll: it had triggered multiple times. Second, the armory in Alenor had burned to the ground after purportedly imbuing their armor with protective spells. That screamed of a secret somebody wanted hidden.
Third, my own scroll… the one where my blood had mixed with the ink. I’d felt the scroll activate in a way I’d never felt before, like a fish nibbling your line, making you wonder if you were about to pull in dinner, or something had nabbed your bait. In fact, I’d never felt anything when one of my scrolls had been activated. Not an itch under my skin, nor the hairs on the back of my neck rising. Until that scroll.
I'm toying with the idea of hiring a developmental editor for the next book. I think it might be a great learning experience. Edith Pawlicki (fellow writer... definitely check out her books) did that for me on Book 1, and I loved the feedback and want more of it. My only hesitation is the price. I've put out a request on Reedsy (new for me), and I'm learning the system. I also put in a Reedsy request for changing the covers of The Guardian League, but I got so irritated (really the way Reedsy works more than anything... I wasn't happy with the interface) that I pulled the plug on that effort. I suspect my covers aren't right for the my audience, though I appreciate that some of you have said you think they're great. I'd love your opinion - do people dismiss The Guardian League because of the covers? (Really, tell me.) Indie Author ShowcaseWriter's CornerI'm going to throw out there that I'm tired of getting bombarded with information on improving my writing and marketing. And when I say bombarded, I mean it. Everyone and their dragon is trying to tell me what I could do better. Correction, they're trying to sell me something that will help me on my journey. So up front, I want to tell you that you are free to ignore anything I share for writing. Absolutely protect your time and money. That said, I'm going to share a few things that have worked for me. One thing I've stumbled on that I feel has helped me grow my audience better than anything else I've tried is Story Origin. They enable cross-promotions through newsletters, and you can search/sort by categories... basically you find authors with similar audiences and agree, through their interface, to swap mentions. You've seen those in my emails for a couple of months now. There's a lot of up front setup, connecting your mailing lists and books to their system. But if you're at all tech savvy, it's not a problem. Previous Newsletters
May you get lost this week in another world. Follow me on Goodreads. |
Hi! If you enjoy fantasy with snarky humor, I've got some books for you. My newsletter takes you along the creative journey, and keeps you informed of what's brewing.
Whoa! March really snuck up on me. Not just because February is shorter, but rather life got busy. Starting a new role at a new company in the tech industry in your mid-fifties isn't a walk in the park. I'm on an emotional rollercoaster that goes from feeling like I know some specific thing better than most people, to dawning realizations that I have no idea how some other thing works and fear of when the new folks will realize how ignorant I am. Arrogance, fear, humility, once in a while...
Life has been a bit chaotic, between elder care, prepping my oldest for college, starting a new job this week, and then all the normal bedlam of housework and helping with homework, family virus-share programs, etc. Oh, and writing, which is simultaneously the easiest and hardest thing to hold onto. Hard, because it can't be rationally justified in terms of trying to live a less-hectic life with well-balanced priorities. Easy, because my passion for it pushes me toward finding or making time...
I can now confirm that I am exiting retirement. *sigh* I'm joining arm. I love writing that without context. I assume most of you are not part of the semiconductor industry, so it sounds like I'm either supplying weapons or artificial limbs. Either of which are way too cool for me. I really enjoyed spending more time on writing and marketing, and I’m going to miss it. Secrets of Deara is coming together. I sent an early pass to Libby James—I would highly recommend her to my writer friends. I...