Happy New Year! I should probably wait until the 2nd to send this out, shouldn't I? Everybody sleeping off New Year's Eve. I hope all your dogs survived the scary fireworks. I have lots of polls this newsletter. All really important, world-changing stuff. To get started:
(For the record, my wife disqualified herself in a Godzilla-like fit of rage when her roof slid off.) I sent an out-of-cycle newsletter about finishing the first draft of Secrets of Deara. Since then, I've gone back and written a couple of chapters that I thought tied a few specifics together a little more cleanly, and cut a few sections, but I've mostly worked on other things to take a little break from Secrets. The story is at about 70k words right now, so a bit on the short side. But there's still one character whose story isn't fleshed out, and weaving that in will probably get me at around 80k. Maybe. I'd intended to start my second pass this morning, but instead I'm working on this newsletter. 🙃 Anyway, what else have I done instead of working on Secrets? One, I updated the covers for Guardian League. I also updated the backmatter on Mother of Trees, and somehow managed to push the update to the wrong book... I pushed the changes to Bones. So I received a rather disgruntled review. I'm glad someone told me though... it had already sat there for twelve days with the wrong content! Meh. I also created new ads for Guardian League and Mother of Trees. I'll share here and, heck, I'll put some links if you want to go upvote ("like") the ones you like--I don't think I need you to, but feel free. I'm using something on FB called a DCT (Dynamic Creative Template). It mixes up those three images with two headlines and two descriptions, so 12 combinations of ads. Since I'm only providing three links, those are just three of the variants (one for each pic). Heh, I guess that means it might actually hurt me for you to "like" an ad... it will bias the FB algorithm toward thinking that ad is the best combo and start sending it more. How about this--I'll set up a poll. You can just vote. But I'll leave the FB links there in case you want to tell FB that you'd like more fantasy ads in your feed.
Oh, I didn't want Grundle blue. As soon as I push midjourney toward the style I want, it turns Grundle blue. I haven't figured out how to get past that yet. Moving on to Mother of Trees:
I can tell you, the "Elliah on the run" pic hasn't done well at all, but the "MoT Face" is getting clicks. But I may try more variants of the "Elliah on the run" pic. All books by Steven J. Morris Indie Author ShowcasePrevious Newsletters
May you get lost this week in another world. Follow me on Goodreads. |
Hi! If you enjoy fantasy with snarky humor, I've got some books for you. My newsletter takes you along the creative journey, and keeps you informed of what's brewing.
Whoa! March really snuck up on me. Not just because February is shorter, but rather life got busy. Starting a new role at a new company in the tech industry in your mid-fifties isn't a walk in the park. I'm on an emotional rollercoaster that goes from feeling like I know some specific thing better than most people, to dawning realizations that I have no idea how some other thing works and fear of when the new folks will realize how ignorant I am. Arrogance, fear, humility, once in a while...
Life has been a bit chaotic, between elder care, prepping my oldest for college, starting a new job this week, and then all the normal bedlam of housework and helping with homework, family virus-share programs, etc. Oh, and writing, which is simultaneously the easiest and hardest thing to hold onto. Hard, because it can't be rationally justified in terms of trying to live a less-hectic life with well-balanced priorities. Easy, because my passion for it pushes me toward finding or making time...
I can now confirm that I am exiting retirement. *sigh* I'm joining arm. I love writing that without context. I assume most of you are not part of the semiconductor industry, so it sounds like I'm either supplying weapons or artificial limbs. Either of which are way too cool for me. I really enjoyed spending more time on writing and marketing, and I’m going to miss it. Secrets of Deara is coming together. I sent an early pass to Libby James—I would highly recommend her to my writer friends. I...