Newsletter - February 1, 2025

I can now confirm that I am exiting retirement. *sigh*

I'm joining arm. I love writing that without context. I assume most of you are not part of the semiconductor industry, so it sounds like I'm either supplying weapons or artificial limbs. Either of which are way too cool for me.

I really enjoyed spending more time on writing and marketing, and I’m going to miss it.

Secrets of Deara is coming together. I sent an early pass to Libby James—I would highly recommend her to my writer friends. I used her skills in developmental editing to get feedback on the early story, and found it useable and useful.

I’ve gone through a second pass while Libby went over the first pass, and the story is shaping up. I have a couple of medium-ticket story items to tackle, and then I need to address the information from Libby. (I just started into addressing Libby's feedback). When that's done, I'll send it to Oksana Marafioti for a round of post-developmental storyline editing. After making whatever changes I decide, it will go out to Marla Taviano for copy editing. Cover design should start soon (and goes pretty quickly for sequels). I’m not going to try and guesstimate how long all that will take, but it won’t take as long as the last book to get out. Except that I start my new job in February, which will, of course, slow things.

Just for fun, I thought I'd share these early attempts at making video ads for Facebook. Using what folks sent me directly didn't work at all. Adding some of the "image ads" into the videos helped for one (Mother of Trees), but not the other (Guardian League). For some reason, I can't get clicks on the Guardian League ad. If you think you see why, please share. Note that these also have "Headlines" and tag lines on FB, so the failure to get clicks could lie outside of the video.

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All books by Steven J. Morris

Indie Author Showcase

Shadows and Relics: A Dark Urban Fantasy Adventure

Smoke and Shadows Book 1

by L. L. Gray

A dark ritual. Werewolves on my trail. A single chance to uncover the truth...

Cameron Blaze is my name, living on the edge is my game. Acquiring an ancient artifact? Sure, I like old stuff. Procuring a precious? I’ve got some sticky fingers right here. I will do pretty much anything to make rent and will enjoy the hell out of the ride as I go.

When werewolves turn up in New Orleans for the first time in living memory, I was curious. When they start to disrupt my business, I was annoyed. But when they come at me? I’m ready to open a can of whoop-the-wolf, no matter the consequences.

Adding to my canine conundrum, ghosts are disappearing from the New Orleans cemeteries and rumors of dark rituals are floating around the seedy underbelly of my city. To top it off, a powerful and mysterious relic has gone missing. A relic that, by all accounts, has the power to tear the veil that separates this world from the next to shreds.

With time running out and lives on the line, will I be able to find this ancient relic before all hell is set loose on my city?


Dresden Files meets sassy teenagers

by Tom Atwood Jr.

Kacey Alexander is the typical high school graduate until she receives a chest as part of her inheritance. She looks inside and finds out that her late mother was a Sentinel, a member of an ancient order of Mages, each one dedicated to protecting humans from the forces of Darkness. She refuses to accept this until her own powers emerge, protecting and healing her body from harm. She finds herself trapped between opposing forces, each one determined to use her to take over her city. She gathers an unlikely alliance: a gruff, older sentinel, a Dark Fey warrior, and a young woman who can control the weather. They gather to face the mercenary Pyrus and his shadowy employer. Kacey must learn to cast aside her fears to become the warrior she was born to be and stop the men who seek to destroy her city.

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​​May you get lost this week in another world.

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Steven J Morris

Hi! If you enjoy fantasy with snarky humor, I've got some books for you. My newsletter takes you along the creative journey, and keeps you informed of what's brewing.

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This is an email I felt worth sharing from Matthew j Holmes. I'm not 100% sure how you would get on this email list, but here's a link to his general site, and you can navigate to what you want through your brilliance. Link to Matthew J Holmes site. Over the years, I’ve analyzed hundreds, if not thousands of Amazon Ads Campaigns across multiple genres, and with all this data emerge patterns and trends of what works and what doesn’t work. In today’s behind the scenes newsletter, I want to...